Us at Astiva Health want to ensure that you’re able to find a pharmacy that’s convenient and accessible to you. Locate pharmacies that are closest to you using our Medicare Network Pharmacy Locator. Utilize the various options available to you to narrow your search.
Pharmacy Locator
Filling Prescriptions Outside Our Network
Before you buy prescription drugs at a pharmacy that isn’t part of the Astiva network of pharmacies, please call Member Services.
Generally, prescriptions filled at an out-of-network pharmacy will only be covered if an in-network pharmacy isn’t available to you. If you use an out-of-network pharmacy for your medication, you may have to pay more than normal, and you’ll most likely have to pay the full amount when you pick up the prescription. You would then submit a prescription drug claim form to us to receive any reimbursement.
Us at Astiva Health want to ensure that you’re able to find a pharmacy that’s convenient and accessible to you. Locate pharmacies that are closest to you using our Medicare Network Pharmacy Locator. Utilize the various options available to you to narrow your search.
Pharmacy Locator
Filling Prescriptions Outside Our Network
Before you buy prescription drugs at a pharmacy that isn’t part of the Astiva network of pharmacies, please call Member Services.
Generally, prescriptions filled at an out-of-network pharmacy will only be covered if an in-network pharmacy isn’t available to you. If you use an out-of-network pharmacy for your medication, you may have to pay more than normal, and you’ll most likely have to pay the full amount when you pick up the prescription. You would then submit a prescription drug claim form to us to receive any reimbursement.